How Often Should You Change Your Sheets For Impeccable Hygiene?

Each week, most of us spend around 49-60 plus hours sleeping in our beds. This is the time it takes to get the rest our body needs to recover. However, it is also a long time for dead cells, sweat, oil, and other dirt to accumulate on our bedding. In this context, good hygiene is important in all areas of life.

When it comes to changing her sheets, she may be more important than you think. Without regular cleaning, dirty textiles can contribute to allergies, rashes, asthma attacks, and more. Keeping things clean is essential for your health and the quality of your sleep – but how often should you wash your bed linen?

Why Is It Important To Change Your Sheets Regularly?

Indeed, most people should wash their sheets once a week. If you don't sleep on your mattress every day, you can extend this frequency to once every two weeks or so.

Changing your sheets and making your bed once a week may seem like overkill, but it's worth it. Even after a few days, textiles can accumulate significant amounts of dirt, dead skin cells, body oils, sweat, and dust mites.

Also, some people have to do the laundry more often. How often you need to do this depends on your body and your lifestyle. It is advisable to wash your bed linen every two or three days if you:

suffer from allergies or asthma

sweat excessively

eat in bed

let your pets sleep in your bed

have an infection or lesion on your body.

sleep naked

do not take a shower before going to bed

Changing Your Sheets: At What Temperature Should You Wash Bed Linen? How To Dry?

Even if you know how to do laundry, you'll want to know how to choose the best washing machine temperature and dryer set to get your sheets as clean as possible. Here's a step-by-step guide to washing your sheets.

1. Check the washing instructions and symbols on the care labels before doing anything.

2. Pre-treat stains by dissolving a cup of laundry soap in hot water and soaking your sheets for an hour.

3. Unless otherwise specified in the care instructions, select the normal cycle for bed linen on your washing machine and opt for hot water.

4. Add liquid detergent concentrate according to your machine manufacturer's instructions.

5. Add distilled white vinegar to the fabric softener compartment of your washing machine. This will release the vinegar into your wash cycle at the perfect time and is the best way to get your sheets amazingly clean while keeping them soft.

6. When the wash cycle is complete, remove the sheets and put them in your dryer. Choose the medium or hot setting. Do not dry textiles at high temperatures! This would significantly reduce their lifespan.

7. Take the clothes out of the dryer just before they are completely dry. Place your sheet on the bed and smooth it out with your hand.

8. When folding bedding for storage, keep an iron and ironing board nearby. Fold the sheets in thirds, then take a hot iron and run it over them. Fold them again and pass the hot iron one last time before putting them away. When you take them out to make the bed, they'll be fresh and clean!

Do You Need To Wash Brand-New Sheets?

In fact, yes. Sheets are often made with chemicals and dyes that can irritate your skin, eyes, and respiratory tract — especially if you have allergies or sensitive skin. Always wash sheets first with hypoallergenic, fragrance-free laundry detergent.

What About Other Bedding Items?

We've specified how often the sheets should be washed – around once a week, ideally. But what about other bedding items?

Pillowcases – once a week

Duvets – once every 2 or 3 months

Blankets – once every 2 or 3 months

Pillows – once every 4-6 months (if washable)

Always check the manufacturer's instructions. Although these guidelines are generally applicable, sometimes a piece of bedding has a unique design that requires specific care and washing.

Also, you should get clean your mattress every 6 months or so. Cleaning can help prolong its life while improving sleep quality and your health. That said, it's still important to replace the mattress every 6-8 years or so, to ensure you get the best possible rest.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Bio

Name - Noman Areeb

Bio - Mr. Noman, a highly influential businessman is the co-owner of an upholstery cleaning company Dar Al Mumtaz Carpets Cleaning. Being swayed by business tactics and propaganda, he graduated in business. Leading the company from the front, Noman has achieved great recognition in society.

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