What Water To Give Your Baby?


We all know that water is most essential to the human body. Indeed, a person can survive several days without food but not without water. Hence the importance of staying well hydrated. During the first 3 months of the baby, his body is made up of 75% water. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) states that an infant should drink between 0.7 and 0.9 L of water per day from birth to 4 years old. But his fragile little body requires quality water, adapted to his needs. PediAct advises you on the best water to give your baby. 

Why is baby hydration so important?

Already in adults, hydration is essential. Indeed, severe dehydration in you, parents, can lead to headaches, dizziness, and even malaise. It is therefore important to drink at least 2 liters and a half, or even 3 liters, per day. For babies, the ideal quantity is one liter per day.

Babies still have trouble regulating their body temperature, and are far more susceptible to dehydration than you are. Water is therefore essential to their organism. But why is water so beneficial for you and baby?

Water is an important component in the constitution of blood, it facilitates breathing and helps regulate body temperature. It also provides the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the cells of the human body. Finally, it helps the body to get rid of the waste it produces by guiding it towards the organs that destroy this waste.


A dehydrated baby loses weight, cries very often, has a temperature above 37°C, and his urine is dark. Do not hesitate to consult with a child specialist. 

Here are the water needs for babies, according to their age: 

  • Baby is from 0 to 3 months: he needs 150 ml/kg of water per day. if your infant weighs 4 kilos, he will therefore need 600 ml of water per day;

  • Baby is 3 to 6 months old: he needs 125 to 150 ml/kg per day; 

  • Baby is 6 to 9 months old: he needs 100 to 125 ml/kg per day;

  • Baby is 9 months to 1 year old: he needs 100 to 110 ml/kg per day;

  • Baby is 1 to 3 years old: he needs 100 ml/kg per day.

Be careful, its needs can increase in the following situations: when it is very hot, in case of diarrhea or vomiting, or even in case of fever.

What should a baby's water contain?

The water can be used in the preparation of a baby bottle, or be drunk naturally. In both cases, check that it has these characteristics :

  • The water is low in nitrates: less than 15 mg/liter. Baby's digestive tract is still immature and nitrates are toxic to him.

  • The water is low in mineral content: less than 500 mg of dry residues/liter so as not to damage your kidneys;

  • the amounts of sodium, fluorine and sulfate contained in the water must be low;

  • the water is not polluted. 


Can a baby drink tap water?

Tap water may also be suitable for your little one over 6 months old, unless otherwise advised by the pediatrician. Obviously, you will absolutely have to find out about the quality of the water circulating in your city from the town hall, the Water Agency or your Regional Health Agency. 

If you opt for tap water, remember to: 

  • always run water for about a minute before filling the baby's bottle. This eliminates potential traces of lead or copper, or micro-organisms that may be present in the water in the pipes;

  • Use RO water purifier at home that is capable of removing impurities , chemicals and heavy metals in water that can be harmful for your baby. Use professional ro repair services for Annual maintenance and repair so your water purifier  will work properly for a long time . 

  • forget the water softener system because you will have to say goodbye to a large part of the calcium and magnesium in the water, essential for baby; 

  • Do not serve hot water above 25°C. 


How to heat baby water?

When preparing baby bottles , you will surely need to heat the water. How to heat it without losing the nutrients necessary for your body? How to properly prepare a baby's bottle?

Step 1: Wash your hands and prepare the materials 

Opt for tap water or non-carbonated bottled water recommended for baby bottles. Be careful not to keep this bottle open for more than a day. Prepare the can of powdered milk and its scoop. Finally, take out the bottle, the teat, the clamping ring and the sterile protective cap.

Step 2: Preparing the bottle

Boil tap (or bottled) water and let cool. Fill the bottle to the desired graduation. Add the necessary number of measures of milk. To do this, refer to the instructions.


Most milks are diluted at the rate of one measure for 30ml of water, i.e.:

  • 1/30ml 

  • 2 / 60ml 

  • 3 / 90ml 

  • 4 / 120ml 

  • 5 / 150ml 

  • 6 / 180ml 

  • 7 / 210ml 

  • 8 / 240ml

Step 3: Closing the bottle 

Close the bottle and shake it by rolling it vertically between your hands. Check the temperature of the milk by dropping a few drops on the inside of your wrist. It should be not either too hot nor too cold. 

Warning. Avoid heating baby milk in the microwave. If you have no other choice, consider:

  • Remove the pacifier

  • Mix the liquids well and check the temperature of the milk before giving it to your little one.

For information, milk heated up to 60 degrees retains all of its nutritional value.  

Finally, which water to turn to?

There are several waters suitable for the good growth and well-being of babies. Those that will work best are the waters with the lowest mineral content. On the other hand, waters rich in magnesium are not recommended because they risk accelerating intestinal transit and can cause diarrhea in babies. Bottled spring water is also possible if it is marked “suitable for the preparation of infant foods”. 

What you must remember : 

The human body cannot do without water. Indeed, hydrating regularly, throughout the day, and this every day, is essential for babies, children and adults. Water helps flush out waste from the body, regulate body temperature, and maintain energy for the day. Baby's water needs depend on his exact age.

There are several waters adapted to the good growth of babies. So do not hesitate to ask your doctor for help in choosing the right one for your little one!



Author Bio

Name - Sunil Trivedi

Bio - Sunil Trivedi is the Managing Director of Aqua Drink. With 15 years of experience in the water purification industry, Sunil and his team have been ensuring that his clients consume 100% potable water to lead a healthy life and keep water-borne diseases miles away.

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  1. Provide 100 percent pure water and must be boiled before giving it to your baby.

  2. Iam a father of four sons.I have give you the pure water of my babies.If you are looking to buy an online mens shalwar kameez for latest collection 2023 at an affordable and reasonable price.

  3. It is advisable to seek advice from your pediatrician regarding when and how much water to give your baby. Your pediatrician can offer guidance tailored to your baby's age, stage of development, and unique requirements.

